
Technical Specs

sockjs-client (optional):
 Advanced Websocket Javascript Client used in webapp example
Tornado:Async Python Web Library + Web Server
sockjs-tornado:SockJS websocket server implementation for Tornado
Uber Time-Estimation Apis:
 HTTP Rest APIs to estimate time required to book an uber at given time
Google Maps Distance-Matrix Apis:
 HTTP Rest Apis to calculate distance and duration to reach from source to destination
pytest:Python testing library and test runner with awesome test discobery
pytest-flask:Pytest plugin for flask apps, to test fask apps using pytest library.
Uber’s Test-Double:
 Test Double library for python, a good alternative to the mock library
Jenkins (Optional):
 A Self-hosted CI server
Travis-CI (Optional):
 A hosted CI server free for open-source projecs
Docker:A containerization tool for better devops

Features Specs

  • Web App
  • Email Notification
  • Uber Booking Reminder
  • Microservice
  • Testing using Docker and Docker Compose
  • CI servers like Jenkins, Travis-CI